February 15, 2013

Nutella and Strawberry French Toast Stack

So I decided to make something yummy and very unhealthy for my boyfriend this Valentines! I came over for breakfast and cooked him this delicious meal. And hey, it's Valentine's Day! So we don't worry about just how many points it is (but I guestimated it at around PP+ 10 for one stack).

3 ciabatta rolls (sliced in half like a sandwich)
2-3 eggs
2 Tbsp unsweetened almond milk
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp powdered sugar
3-6 Tbsp Nutella
1/2 cup sliced strawberries
2 Tbsp powdered sugar
heart shaped cookie cutter (optional)

Beat the eggs in a flat bottomed bowl or container (I used a small skillet), then add the almond milk, cinnamon and 1 Tbsp powdered sugar. Mix them together until they form an even consistancy.

Cut the bread (that has already been pre-sliced) with the cookie cutter, then dip them into the egg mixture. Make sure you have both the bottom and top covered before placing them on a pre-heated (to medium heat) and "oiled" (with cooking spray) skillet. Cook both sides for about 2 minutes, or until they reach a golden brown color. Remove from the skillet and set to the side. Repeat for all of the bread.

Next begin your stack! It goes like this: french toast, 1/2 Tbsp Nutella, strawberries, sprinkle of powdered sugar, french toast, 1/2 Tbsp Nutella, strawberries, sprinkle of powdered sugar, french toast, 1/2 Tbsp Nutella and one strawberry (cut into the shape of a heart), then a generous sprinkle of powdered sugar.

This will give you a stack with 3 french toast hearts, 1 1/2 Tbsp Nutella and strawberries and sugar. Feel free to be generous with your measurements!

My boy loved them!!

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